Outback Bridegroom Read online

Page 17

  They planned to have four children. They could afford them. No decision could have been easier. Mitch professed in triumph to being the luckiest guy in the world, and in a few short months they too would be married. It would be her wedding day, and if possible she would be even happier than she was on this wonderful day.

  She’d already begun to make plans: daydreaming about her wedding gown and veil, the favourite designer who would make it, what her bridesmaids would wear, the colours, the ceremony—she thought a temple in the garden—the reception, the food they would eat. But first she and Mitch would have to give all these guests time to recover from this day of days.

  “Chris? What are you doing?”

  A young excited voice called from outside the door.

  “It’s open, sweetie. Come in.”

  Suzanne, bursting with happiness and looking entrancing in flower-sprigged lilac, with miniature white and mauve orchids artfully tucked into her chestnut curls, burst into the room, hand in hand with Christine’s niece, Fiona. Fiona looked lovely too, in her pink-tinged cream silk bridesmaid’s gown, cream roses catching back the abundant blonde hair so like her mother’s.

  The two girls stood there and stared at Christine as though she looked at least a billion dollars.

  Their gazes held love, approval, admiration. Heart melting, Christine circled slowly, inviting their inspection. She was wearing something from her own wardrobe. No one had seen it. It was an original; a famous couturier had actually fitted it on her. It was made of whisper-fine gold lace over silk, embroidered with sapphire-blue beads and crystals. In her hair, worn full and loose, was a single ornament—a sapphire flower, its gold stamens quivering with crystals. On her feet she wore high-heeled gold brocade pumps. In an effort not to eclipse anyone in the bridal party—certainly she couldn’t overshadow the beautiful bride—she had elected to come just as “family”.

  “Oh, Chrissy, you look gorgeous! Absolutely great!” a glowing Suzanne said enthusiastically. She came to Christine and hugged her carefully, so as not to muss her. “You are so beautiful. Why can’t I look like you?”

  “Why would you need to, sweetheart?” Christine scoffed, encircling Suzanne with her arm. “You have a lovely look of your own. That dress is just perfect.”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?” Suzanne responded with a flush of pleasure. “You chose it. And doesn’t Fiona look wonderful?”

  “She does indeed!” Christine held out her other arm. Kyall’s beloved daughter, her niece Fiona, was so much like her mother, Sarah, it would have been laughable—only it was so heart-stopping it brought tears to Christine’s eyes.

  “Thank you, Chris. Thank you.” Fiona’s velvet-brown eyes were shimmery as she looked up at her new-found aunt. “Thank you everybody!”

  High with excitement, she broke away and began to waltz around the room, before sinking into a deep curtsy that earned her Suzanne’s and Christine’s applause. Much to everyone’s delight the cousins had bonded at first sight, eager to have one another’s friendship and support. It was a state of affairs that was destined to be a great comfort and support throughout their lives.

  “There are hundreds of people outside,” Suzanne announced, running to the French doors and looking out at the beautiful sun-kissed scene.

  “Isn’t it the most wonderful thing I’m part of it all? Like a miracle!” Fiona looked overwhelmingly happy. “One day,” she said solemnly, “I might write a book about it.”

  “I’m sure you will,” Christine predicted. “You know you’ve inherited all your mother’s beauty. In fact both of you have grown into stunning young ladies. Now, I suppose we’d better go out and join the party.”

  “Just wait until Mitch sees you!” Suzanne’s face grew rosy with excitement. “Everyone will be turning to stare at you.”

  “Everyone will be too busy staring at the bride.”

  “We’ve seen her. She looks like an angel!” both girls said together.

  “Mother is so happy she’s glowing,” Fiona said emotionally. “I have to say I’m a bit nervous.”

  Christine squeezed her hand. “You’re going to be just fine,” she promised, letting her love shine.

  “Everything’s got to be perfect.”

  “Oh, I’m so glad you came to us, Fee!” Suzanne’s happiness was making her bloom like a rosebud opening under the warm sun. “I didn’t know how beautiful life could be.”

  Hours later bride and groom stood on the verandah, facing their multitude of guests. They looked out on a sea of smiling faces, everyone sharing in the great joy. Shortly they were to fly away on the first leg of their honeymoon, but now seemed like a very good time to throw the bridal bouquet.

  The bridesmaids were laughing, playfully enjoying themselves, gently jostling one another, and Christine was standing off a little to the left, with Mitch at her shoulder. Mitch, resplendent in his beautifully cut wedding suit, had been Kyall’s best man. She was so full of bubbles, caused by happiness as much as the French champagne that had hit her bloodstream, and was so busy smiling meltingly at her fiancé, Mitch, she was unprepared as Sarah’s exquisite bouquet soared towards her.

  “You’d better catch that, Chrissy,” Mitch urged, his voice full of love and pride and a certain challenge. “This one has been a long time coming, but it’s definitely for you!”

  “How true!” She laughed in triumph, her long arm shooting up as the bouquet drifted on the buoyant air.

  One of the wedding guests, with her eye on one of the Saunders brothers, made a valiant effort to catch it. But it sailed over her head as though it had a pre-ordained destination.

  It landed in Christine’s outstretched hand.

  “Me!” she cried, her voice sparkling with elation.

  Everyone started to clap. It was fantastic! She turned to look at Mitch, her face radiant over the top of the bouquet of fragrant flowers, reading his unswerving love in the brilliant sea-blue eyes.

  “Congratulations, my love,” he whooped, causing everyone to beam at them as though they’d helped plan where the bride’s bouquet would land.

  This was the greatest day Koomera Crossing had experienced in ages. Kyall McQueen and his beautiful Sarah were at long last married, rejoicing in their beautiful daughter who had been taken from them and miraculously returned.

  And finally, after another interrupted relationship, the tremendously popular Mitch Claydon and their own homegrown celebrity Christine Reardon were back together again. It left the closely knit Outback town with a good feeling. A feeling that their great pioneering families stood united. They were an inspiration beyond dreams.

  Weddings were perfect for bringing harmony.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-8210-4


  First North American Publication 2003.

  Copyright © 2003 Margaret Way, Pty., Ltd.

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